Urban Projects Database Based on Alexander’s Pattern Language:The Case Of Favela-Bairro

This paper describes a system for searching and retrieving urban design drawings developed or contracted by public or governmental entities. We assume that in governmental public programs with similar goals recreating solutions is a daily action, which is, clearly, an unnecessary waste of time and resources. The system presented in this paper aims at concentrating and organizing this information in order to allow urban planners and designers to search for existing solutions to their projects and answers to their current needs.

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Ano do texto: 2008

Citação ABNT

Silva, Erivelton M. ; PARAIZO, R. C. . Urban Projects Database Based on Alexander’s Pattern Language:The Case Of Favela-Bairro. International Journal of Architectural Computing, v. 6, p. 261-277, 2008.

Atualizado em 2020-08-05 05:54 por Raissa Paim.

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