A Reconstrução de um Olhar: Modelagem Tridimensional das Antigas Rotundas dos Panoramas do Rio de Janeiro

The Reconstruction of a View: The Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Panorama of the Old Rotundas in Rio de Janeiro

This article intends to highlight and analyze the main differences between visitors’ spacial experiences of the panoramas of the old rotundas in Rio de Janeiro, offering the possibility of “re-constructing” them digitally. To do this it is necessary to draw up three-dimensional digital models to search for a full understanding of its internal and external spatial systems based on the descriptions of visitors and the interpretation of prints and original drawings of panoramas by 19th century architects.


panoramas; digital panoramas; multimedia; 3D models; city history.

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Ano do texto: 2010

Tags: panoramas

Citação ABNT

SOUZA, L. T.SEGRE, R. ; BARKI, J. . A reconstrução de um olhar: modelagem tridimensional das antigas rotundas dos Panoramas do Rio de Janeiro. In: XIV SIGraDi – Sociedade Ibero-americana de Gráfica Digital, 2010, Bogotá. Disrupção, Modelação e Construção: Diálogos Semelhantes. Bogotá: Universidad de Los Andes, 2010. v. 1.

Atualizado em 2017-12-23 05:56 por Rodrigo Cury Paraizo.

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